
The Cal Poly International Center maintains partnerships with around 50 universities and institutions throughout the world to strengthen and enhance Cal Poly’s Learn By Doing in a global context.

Cal Poly’s vision for internationalization is to provide foundational experiential learning, teaching, service and scholarship opportunities at home and abroad that will best equip graduates and the campus community at large to solve complex global challenges sustainably, ethically and inclusively. Learn by Doing in a global context drives students, faculty and staff to critically evaluate themselves, their own cultures, their values and place in the world. It promotes growth in character, ability to handle ambiguity, reflexive and relative thinking, and ultimately, greater personal fulfillment. It fuels informed global systems thinkers and doers, and activates Cal Poly students to be positive forces in the world.

Our Partners

Exchange Partners

Cal Poly collaborates with 20 international exchange partners to provide reciprocal educational experiences, where incoming international students enroll at Cal Poly and Cal Poly students enroll in partner institutions overseas. The two universities agree, in the spirit of goodwill and reciprocity, to strengthen ties between the universities and to promote academic and cultural exchange. Cal Poly students on international exchange programs usually enroll directly in courses offered at the host university and are able to choose from a wide variety of courses offered at that university. The independence and flexibility of this model allows students immersive experiences into local university life and culture.

Affiliate Partners

Affiliate partners provide Cal Poly students with opportunities for direct enrollment in institutions abroad, such as with the partnerships in Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland and with Earth University in Costa Rica. Additionally, partnerships through Cal Poly’s Extended Education division allow for further opportunities to bring Cal Poly to the world and the world to Cal Poly.

Global Program Partners

Cal Poly Global Programs are international academic programs designed by one or more Cal Poly faculty members in collaboration with the Cal Poly International Center. Cal Poly has partnerships with universities and NGOs for academic and logistical support.


Partner City: Adelaide

Partner Country: Australia

Partner Name: University of Adelaide


Partner City: Baden-Württemberg

Partner Country: Germany

Partner Name: Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim (DHBW)


Partner City: Bangkok

Partner Country: Thailand

Partner Name: DKasetsart University


Partner City: Beijing

Partner Country: China

Partner Name: Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication


Partner City: Berekuso

Partner Country: Ghana

Partner Name: Ashesi University


Partner City: Bergamo

Partner Country: Italy

Partner Name: University of Bergamo


Partner City: Birmingham

Partner Country: United Kingdom

Partner Name: University of Birmingham


Partner City: Bonn

Partner Country: Germany

Partner Name: University of Bonn (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universitaet Bonn)


Partner City: Brussels

Partner Country: Belgium

Partner Name: Solvay School of Economics and Management


Partner City: Canberra

Partner Country: Australia

Partner Name: University of Canberra

Chiang Mai

Partner City: Chiang Mai

Partner Country: Thailand

Partner Name: Chiang Mai University


Partner City: Cusco

Partner Country: Peru

Partner Name: ProPeru


Partner City: Danang

Partner Country: Vietnam

Partner Name: Duy Tan University


Partner City: Dubai

Partner Country: United Arab Emirates

Partner Name: Amity University Dubai


Partner City: Edinburgh

Partner Country: United Kingdom

Partner Name: University of Edinburgh


Partner City: Glasgow

Partner Country: Scotland

Partner Name: University of Glasgow


Partner City: Göteborg

Partner Country: Sweden

Partner Name: Chalmers University of Technology


Partner City: Hanoi

Partner Country: Vietnam

Partner Name: Vietnam National University Social Sciences & Humanities (USSH)


Partner City: Hawthorn

Partner Country: Australia

Partner Name: Swinburne University of Technology


Partner City: Karlsruhe

Partner Country: Germany

Partner Name: Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences

Kitakyushu City

Partner City: Kitakyushu City

Partner Country: Japan

Partner Name: Kyushu Institute of Technology


Partner City: Leeds

Partner Country: United Kingdom

Partner Name: Leeds Beckett University


Partner City: Lille

Partner Country: France

Partner Name: Higher Institute for Electronics and Digital Training (ISEN)


Partner City: Lisbon

Partner Country: Portugal

Partner Name: University of Lisbon


Partner City: Lucerne

Partner Country: Switzerland

Partner Name: Lucerne University of Applied Sciences & Arts


Partner City: Lyon

Partner Country: France

Partner Name: Ecole Catholique d’Arts et Metiers (ECAM)


Partner City: Mexicali

Partner Country: Mexico

Partner Name: Technical and Higher Education Center (CETYS)


Partner City: Milan

Partner Country: Italy

Partner Name: University of Milan


Partner City: Mumbai

Partner Country: India

Partner Name: School of Packaging/Packing Technology Center (SIES)


Partner City: Munich

Partner Country: Germany

Partner Name: Munich University of Applied Sciences


Partner City: Napoli

Partner Country: Italy

Partner Name: University of Naples Federico II


Partner City: Paris

Partner Country: France

Partner Name: L’Ecole Nationale Superieure D’Architecture Rieure D’Archtecture De Paris Val-de-Sein (ENSA)


Partner City: Prague

Partner Country: Czech Republic

Partner Name: Czech Technical University


Partner City: s-Hertogenbosch

Partner Country: The Netherlands

Partner Name: HAS University of Applied Sciences

San Jose

Partner City: San Jose

Partner Country: Costa Rica

Partner Name: EARTH University

San Sebastian

Partner City: San Sebastian

Partner Country: Spain

Partner Name: TECNUN, University of Navarra


Partner City: Stockholm

Partner Country: Sweden

Partner Name: *


Partner City: Stuttgart

Partner Country: Germany

Partner Name: Stuttgart Media University


Partner City: Surabaya

Partner Country: Indonesia

Partner Name: *


Partner City: Tokyo

Partner Country: Japan

Partner Name: Rikkyo University

Uttar Pradesh

Partner City: Uttar Pradesh

Partner Country: India

Partner Name: Amity University Uttar Pradesh


Partner City: Valencia

Partner Country: Spain

Partner Name: Polytechnic University of Valencia


Partner City: Vallodolid

Partner Country: Spain

Partner Name: University of Valladolid


Partner City: Venlo

Partner Country: The Netherlands

Partner Name: HAS University of Applied Sciences


Partner City: Vilnius

Partner Country: Lithuania

Partner Name: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU)


Partner City: Xi’An

Partner Country: China

Partner Name: *


Partner City: Yekaterinburg

Partner Country: Russia

Partner Name: Ural Federal University


Partner City: Zhejiang

Partner Country: China

Partner Name: Zhejiang University of Technology