Taste of the World

Building 11 Courtyard

Experience other cultures with food, dance, music and activities The Cal Poly International Center is putting on a free festival to give Cal Poly a "taste of the world!" FSN 344 Institutional Foodservice II students will prepare international cuisine from around the world!

Cal Poly in Sicily: Language & Culture, Summer 2023

Bldg 38 Rm114 (Ethnic Studies Conference Room)

Students in all majors are invited to attend this Info Session, led by Prof. Elvira Pulitano of Cal Poly's Ethnic Studies Department, to learn about this NEW Cal Poly Global Program in Sicily.  This 4 week, 8 unit program offers GE credit while students live in Palermo and take faculty-led educational field trips throughout Sicily. […]

Cal Poly in Sicily: Language & Culture, Summer 2023


Students in all majors are invited to attend this Info Session, led by Prof. Elvira Pulitano of Cal Poly's Ethnic Studies Department, to learn about this NEW Cal Poly Global Program in Sicily.  This 4 week, 8 unit program offers GE credit while students live in Palermo and take faculty-led educational field trips throughout Sicily. […]

WIldlands Studies

Fisher Science Museum-33, Rm 285

Wildlands Studies offers field based programs in the world’s most remarkable ecosystems. Nomadic by design, our field programs are camping based and earn up to 15 quarter credits. Our small teams of 8-16 undergraduates immerse themselves in unique ecosystems to learn the latest environmental research. The overarching goal is for students to gain extensive knowledge […]

Taste of the World

Agriculture Sciences Bulding 11

Experience other cultures with food from around the world The International Center will host A Taste of the World 2023 from 1 to 3 p.m. on Wednesday February 15, in the Agricultural Sciences Building (No. 11) courtyard (near Campus Market). This free event will feature international cuisine from all over the world and is open […]